Why use a recruiter?
Looking for jobs has its fair share of challenges and can be very stressful. You may be in a situation where you’re putting in significant time searching and applying for job vacancies without getting anything in return. Working in partnership with a consultant from Comspek can make the job search process a lot easier, and can provide numerous benefits for you now, and throughout your career. I may be biased, but here are some of the key benefits to working with a recruitment agency like Comspek.
Saved time
Think of all the time spent scrolling through job boards and company websites looking for positions that match your skills. Potentially going over and over the same roles without hearing anything back on your applications. This is where a recruiter can help save you time.
Once a recruiter understands your experience, skills and what you’re after, they will only be one call or email away when a suitable position comes across their desk. Recruiters understand the requirements of a job inside and out, so if they think you’re a good fit, you can trust that you’re not wasting your time pursuing the role.
Access to more jobs, including exclusive openings that aren’t advertised
Considering the sheer number of new jobs that agencies typically get in on a daily basis, having a strong relationship with a recruiter means they’ll ensure you’ve explored all viable options across the market.
Another thing to note is that agencies are often given roles to work on that aren’t advertised directly, especially in the contracting space.
Recruiters are also regularly given “heads ups” on potential job vacancies with clients who are in need of a specific skill set and need to hire someone quickly. This means you’re first in line for these opportunities and potentially can get in the door without needing to compete with the entire open market.
As an IT & Telecommunications professional, Comspek is a great resource for you. As a specialist IT & Telecommunications recruitment agency, our clients tend to look for similar skills and experience. So even if you’re not successful with the first application, this will not discount you for others. You will remain on our radar and on our system and database so you can be considered for any future suitable roles.
Streamlined process across all roles and cities
Recruiters at Comspek work across every Comspek job vacancy across every city, rather than being limited to certain roles or geographic locations. What does this mean for you? Once you’ve built a relationship with one recruiter at Comspek, you can trust that you’ll be alerted to and considered now and in the future for any suitable jobs across any locations, rather than needing to building relationships with separate consultants.
Support and expert advice throughout the job search process
Recruiters can help and assist you with several things to increase your chances of getting a job as you work your way through the application process. Examples include:
Ensuring your CV is up to scratch and offering constructive feedback
It’s your CV that lands you that initial interview, so it’s our job to make sure that it helps you stand out and best reflects your skills and experience. It's important to remember that any feedback is NOT personal.
"Inside scoop” interview preparation tips
These might include common questions to be prepared for and how the interview will be structured. This insight might be based on earlier interviews conducted for the same vacancy, or more generally, based on the history with this particular employer in the past. If you’re in need of some tried-and-true interview tips, check out this article!
Faster feedback
A Recruitment Agency has a good relationship with the employer, and tends to work very closely with the hiring manger whist trying to find a suitable applicant for the job vacancy. This can speed things up in comparison to applying via a job board, and you’re more likely to get faster initial feedback.
Comspek recruiters are also trained to provide regular updates throughout the application process, so you always know where you stand.
General market advice
Part of a recruiter's job is to be consistently on the pulse when it comes to salaries, benefits, what skills are in hot demand, etc. Based on our specialist experience in the New Zealand IT & Telecommunications market, Comspek recruiters are even more informed than your average recruiter.
Negotiation and advocacy
Comspek recruiters use our knowledge of the market to ensure the best possible deal is reached for both you as the candidate and the employer.
Overall higher chance of success
When working with a recruitment agency, there are some exclusive vacancies where you might be the only applicant being put forward for the role. Even for the most competitive of jobs, there will still be a shortlist established comprised of the top two to six applicants. Compared to the hundreds of applications that each vacancy receives on a job board, your chances of success are considerably higher already.
That fact, coupled with the above support, means you're able to present yourself as best as possible in order to land the role.
I’m not suggesting that you should rely solely on a recruiter for your job search; it’s crucial that you do your fair share of the legwork, as not all agencies will work with all clients and some clients don’t utilize agencies at all. But working with a recruiter provides a number of useful benefits and gives you an extra pair of eyes, allowing you to continue on with your daily routine and obligations without worrying about missing out.
So, what’s stopping you from getting in touch with the team today? We’re always happy to answer any questions, or help you out if you just want to know what the market is doing.
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash